

Minister of Health, Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda says government is committed in eradicating Malaria in the country.


Chiponda was speaking at a press briefing today in Lilongwe, marking the commemoration of Malaria Day and SADC Malaria Week respectively.


The minister cited that government together with its partners are implementing various Malaria prevention interventions across the country.


“The state president Dr Lazarus Chakwera launched the ‘Zero Malaria Starts with Me Campaign.’ We have been distributing treatable mosquito nets to pregnant women and we do that with support from our partners like World Vision, Momentum, Global Fund, USAID and many more partners. We introduced insecticide residual spray in some districts like Nkhotakota, we give Fansidar to pregnant women and also the recent one is the Malaria vaccine,” she said.


On the other hand, the minister called for concerted efforts among stakeholders in the health sector, donor community and the communities at large if the country and the SADC region at large is to end Malaria by the year 2030.



On his part World Vision chief of party for global fund, Grant Bizwick Mwale praised the significance outcome the insecticide spray intervention has brought in areas which they are currently working.


“We spray the insecticide in the walls of their houses. We have been in the districts of Balaka, Mangochi, Nkhatabay and Nkhotakota. I think for three years now, we have seen a decrease in a number of Malaria cases and Malaria deaths which is quite very good. We are quiet very good with the results, the communities are very happy with the results,” he said.


Malawi is said to lose about five people daily especially the under 5 children and pregnant women due to Malaria.


By Lester Mhone